DYP College Of Medicine

Situated in Kolhapur, the College of Medicine is a part of DYP Education Society. Design of DYP College of Medicine, materialises the role of architecture in creating an adaptable facility for the advancement of medical sciences. The SPAP designed Medical College Building addresses the needs of academic infrastructure as well as facilitates collaboration and interaction among the learners by creating informal learning and gathering spaces.

Flexibility and evolution of spaces with time and changing requirements are at forefront of the design for this College of Medicine, considering the current landscape of diseases and evolving healthcare needs. Integrated with large lecture halls, the classrooms are designed with flexible seating arrangements which can be re-configured as per demand.

The concept of flexibility is not limited to the spatial program, but is also reflected in the fully glazed transparent front facade of the building, which extends beyond the building edges on each side, signifying the scalable and extensible nature of its design.

DYP EducationSociety


165,000 Sq.Ft

Estimated Cost
+/- 60 Crores

Administrative Offices
Lecture Halls
Science Labs
Faculty Offices
Cafeteria/ Student Commons